Project Description
Panama City has a population of 1 million. There are over 600,000 vehicles out on the streets every day. Whether it’s due to a lack of road culture, or pure negligence, many of them don’t give way to ambulances. This causes ambulances to get stuck in traffic during rush hour with everyone else, while putting lives in danger.
We needed to find a way to catch drivers’ attention so they would, consequently, give way to ambulances. The goal was to raise awareness as to why it’s so important to do so.
Agency Solution
We decided to bring a message to the streets with Mas Vida, and High Traffic billboards, by creating Livesaving Billboards. We installed GPS Dashcams inside emergency units, and hooked them up to a circuit of digital billboards which are located in high traffic areas. When there’s an emergency, and the ambulance is close to any of them, they activate and interrupt whatever’s playing to show a live stream of what’s happening inside the unit. The image also prompts them to give way.
This execution turned the Livesaving Billboards into the only media where the importance of giving way to ambulances is visible.