Campaign: Escalating GIFs

WPP company:
Ogilvy Berlin
European Anti-Bullying Network (EAN)


For the European Anti-Bullying Network (EAN), Ogilvy Berlin created three unique ‘escalating’ GIFs. Each starts with ‘harmless’ bullying, but as the scene repeats the acts become progressively more violent. The scenes were performed by victims of bullying and reflect real-life incidents from schools across Europe.

Results & Awards:

  • 5.3m views by teenagers within 6 weeks.
  • 120,000 people engaged.
  • 13m people reached.
  • Clio Awards 2017: Gold, 2 Bronze.
  • LIA Awards: Gold, Bronze.
  • Die Klappe 2017: Bronze.
  • 10 - reduced inequalities
  • 16 - peace