Campaign: Born Apart

WPP company:
Y&R Mexico City
Special Olympics


Y&R Mexico City’s campaign for the Special Olympics follows twin boys as they grow from newborn babies to men training for a sport event. Only when both are poised to start their races, is it revealed that one brother has Down’s syndrome – highlighting that what brings us together is more important than our differences.

Results & Awards:

  • 12m video views in the first two weeks.
  • 60m impressions.
  • 28.5m people reached.
  • 116,000 Facebook shares.
  • 2,500 Facebook comments.
  • El Ojo de Iberoamérica: 2 Silver.
  • Círculo de Oro Festival: 3 Gold, Silver, 2 Bronze.
  • 10 - reduced inequalities
  • 16 - peace