We are all equal. And no one is more equal than anyone else.

By thjnk - Zurich

For Pro Infirmis. Brand Pro Infirmis.

Winner in category Advertising

In subcategory Film

Project Description
Pro Infirmis, Switzerland’s largest national professional organisation for people with disabilities, launched a new awareness campaign that deliberately breaks with the clichés of NGO campaigns. It is more of a comedy than a tear-jerker and it shows people with disabilities as simply a part of our society. The film uses comical everyday situations to lift up the things we have in common and encourage people to really think and reflect about an inclusive society. It features 13 different protagonists with various disabilities.
Why are the majority of NGO campaigns so depressing? There is a widespread belief that only those touched by the campaign will feel moved to donate. Pro Infirmis, the largest Swiss organisation for people with disabilities, wanted to take a new approach and present people with disabilities as a normal part of society.
Agency Solution
In order to promote inclusion in society, we deliberately avoided saying that every person is unique. Instead, we highlighted the fact that people with disabilities are actually not as different as everyone thinks. We developed a campaign that emphasises the similarities between people with and without disabilities – rather than the differences. A “best of” of the little frustrations of everyday life. We’ve all been there.
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